Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Summer's coming!

HI! All,
Summer is on it's way. We were 91 degrees here in Grants Pass yesterday! It should cool down the rest of the week though. The hot, anything over 85 is hot to me, weather will help get the roses thinking about blooming. I know you are supposed to pinch off the first buds, but I am so anxious to see them bloom I'm not sure I can do that this year! I'll get out my Roses book and see how badly I need to do that first pinch.

I just about have all the grass out of the beds, that will be a constant battle. The previous owner left me one of those "hoola-hoe" kind of tools. It is great! It will actually scrape the weeds up with roots!

I had a HUGE mess of clippings in trash cans that were decomposing. My freind Val and hubby Herb brought their dump trailer and helped get my stinky mess loaded and hauled it away to the compster. Thank You so,o,ooo much Val and Herb!!

I only put in a few bedding plants: Violas, Lupines and snapdragons. I'll put in Zinnias and some petunias in whiskey barrels when the Zinnias are at the nursery. The previous owner had a lot of flowers in the beds. We were kind of waiting to see what comes up. But, I can't have a flower bed without Johney Jump Ups! The Jump Ups this year are twice as big as I remember getting before. I like the teeny tiny ones.

Enough for now.
Happy Spring Planting,

1 comment:

  1. I love zinnias they are so easy to take care of and large. I planted some zinnias yesterday - pink ones. They'll sure look pretty when I photograph them. Your photos look so pretty. Have you ever tried doing floral still life photography? I'm into doing that. Today on my blog I posted some zinnias with some old books that I photographed last fall. Come by my blog and "smell the flowers" at
