Wednesday, May 22, 2013

In a time long ago.....

It was 1999 and the traveling Embellishment Show was coming to Portland, Oregon, local for me living in southern Oregon. Bead and Button magazine and the Embellishment quilting group were partners in the show then. I had never been to a gathering so large of like minded folks all addicted to creating with beads.
The first day was spent ooooooo-ing and aaaaaaahhhh-ing over everyone's beautiful work and everyone was wearing their best. We were all so comfortable with each other we would just walk up, with a moment of polite hesitation, reach out and touch, admire and oggle over what another was wearing and had created. After a few days of this a woman said,"My chest has never gotten so much attention!"

That is my most memorable B&B moment.

Have fun at the show!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The first Roses

I love the color of the Pat Austin English roses. The blooms do not last long but they are gorgeous! The third picture is of a Sisters at Heart rose. Most of the roses I buy tend to be on the Orange-Yellow range. The original owner of this house had mostly reds.