Friday, January 29, 2010

Rainbows in the Desert

HI! Everyone,
Here's a Rainbow in the desert. I got here to So. California and evidently I had sent the rain ahead. It had been raining all week and didn't stop for 3 more days. The difference is: It rained for 5 days and the desert only got around 4" of rain! This is rushing water in the washes amounts of rain. A mere drop in the bucket compared to Pacific Northwest standards! Their normal here is 2". This year they will probably top out at around 7". There will be weeds and grass and wildflowers everywhere!
I am here for a few more days then off to Tucson for the big Gem, mineral and bead shows!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

On a trip

I am on my way to Southern California tomorrow. I am going to visit with my parents for about 11 days then over to Tucson to see my long time friend, Leslie. I will be there for the Tucson International Gem and Bead Shows. There are only a few things I NEED and a city full of things I want!
Dew and I are here in Portland staying with our son, Gabe. It has been a great visit. Going to see Avatar 3D at noon today. Dew and I have already seen it once. Then off to friend's, Dave and Carol, to have dinner.

Just a quick update. I don't think anyone reads these but me, but that's OK. It's a place to write down a few thoughts.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Our Christmas tree

Here's our Christmas Tree for 2009. We had a great Christmas with our son Tyler and his family. Bolt, the 7 month old Jack Russel Terrier, was actually on his best behaviour. They all came over on Christmas Eve and stayed through saturday noon. We love having sleepovers with them!

Love and much hugs, Cindy

Polymer Clay

Help I am stuck in the Polymer Clay vortex and can't get out! Polymer Clay is my play time. I started playing with clay in 1994. You would think after 15 years I would be better at it. But, like I said, "It's my playtime." I have 10 books by several Polymer artists. I pick a technique and see if I can even come close. Well....the only technique I ever get a decent result from is Sarah Shriver's kaleidescoping technique. I have taken 2 classes from her. I am trying to use up my supply of clays.  I have a mix of several kinds and want to give Kato Clay a try. I also like to sculpt with it.
I have 2 Donna Kato books. She makes the coolest box pendants. So, when I get the new clay I am going to try my hand at a box pendant.
Here's some "happy accident" beads. But, I burned them to a crisp! I didn't check the temp on the toaster oven. Fried them at 400 degrees! They became black charred blobs. Most of the pieces I make are made from random blobs of clay. I want to make something intentional. I want to have a design in mind for a specific project and have it resemble the original idea. It is one of my goals for 2010.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

To everyone! Hope this finds everyone well, happy and healthy to start this new year. I wish the best for all. And hope 2010 find everyone focusing on family, friends and loving one another.

Love and hugs to all,